
Judy Bradshaw

Judy Bradshaw loves the way light illuminates landscape; it has always been her passion. Through the use of color and value she attempts to capture that light. She is especially drawn to woods and trees where the light creates many interesting patterns and textures. Each painting represents a moment in time for her, a place where she stood in awe of the illuminating light.

After painting with Acrylics for many years, Judy developed a chemical allergy and was forced to stop painting. It wasn't until two years later when a friend told her about "Natural Earth Pigments" that she finally began to paint again. Natural Earth Pigments are rock, soil, and mineral samples from around the world ground into a fine powder, and nothing more. With no addition of chemicals, preservitives, synthetic colors or toxic heavy metals, they are the safest most non-toxic paint avialable today. 

Judy has been painting with Natural Earth Pigments for over a year, completely allergy free.

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